A Pig’s Personality
Wilma, the passionate pig: KuneKune’s are the best pigs there are! We are the most attractive! We always like to be scratched! And we...
A Pig’s Personality
Henry the Meditative (18)
A Piglet Chat
A Piglet’s Day
A Pig’s Feed
Henry the Pedantic (17)
Eating Ovaries
A Pig’s Lactation
A Preponderance of Piglets
Henry the Besieged (16)
Guest Post: You Are Who You Feed
Guest Post: Medicinal Nourishment
Why Raise KuneKune's?
Guest Post: Mise en Place
Basic Needs of the KuneKune
What Do KuneKune Hogs Eat?
What Do Patch Pigs Cost?
Current Breeding Stock
Past Breeding Stock